Order Mass DVDs Now!

(U.S. Orders)


The long-awaited DVD of the Historic Solemn High Pontifical Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is now available.

History was made this past April 24, 2010. With approximately 4,000 of the Catholic Faithful taking part, and for the first time in almost half a century, a Solemn High Pontifical Mass was celebrated at the majestic High Altar of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., honoring our beloved Holy Father.

To preview the DVD, CLICK HERE. Few have ever seen anything like it! And none has been captured and televised live worldwide as this Mass was.

Celebrated by His Excellency Edward J. Slattery, Bishop of the Diocese of Tulsa, the Mass commemorated the fifth anniversary of the inauguration of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

This magnificent DVD shows EWTN’s broadcast of a truly glorious Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. A minute-by-minute commentary provides a rare liturgical education for us all. Highlights show the cappa magna procession; the vesting of the bishop; the procession of over 100 clergy into the sanctuary; the sacred bearing of ministers and servers throughout the ceremony, oriented toward liturgical east; and the angelic sacred music of the choirs and schola.

Purchase for your personal use, give copies away as gifts (especially with Christmas right around the corner), or buy them in bulk to sell at your church or use as a great fundraising tool. This DVD is also an excellent way to evangelize for the Church’s sacred liturgy and tradition, as His Holiness Pope Benedict desires.

To purchase our DVD, please contact us at pn308king@gmail.com

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