
The Paulus Institute

"It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place"

- His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

Our MissionOur Mission

The Paulus Institute was established for the purpose of propagating the Sacred Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. We seek to do this by undertaking events of impact and significance in the Church. Our patron is the Apostle Saint Paul, an inspiration for his passion and perseverance, and also for the breadth of his work to evangelize the entire world.

Pope Benedict XVI spoke of these characteristics at his last catechesis for the Year of Saint Paul on February 4, 2009, which we attended. He quoted St. John Chrysostom comparing Saint Paul to Noah: whereas Noah took planks to build a boat to save his family, Saint Paul rescued “the entire ecumene that was at the point of perishing . . . an incentive, if not a guarantee, for the reinforcement of the Christian identity of each one of us and for the rejuvenation of the entire Church.” Today we face our own crisis in the Church.

Our focus is Sacred Liturgy, because as Pope Benedict has written—

“The Church stands and falls with the Liturgy. When the adoration of the divine Trinity declines, when the faith no longer appears in its fullness on the Liturgy of the Church, when man’s words, his thoughts, his intentions are suffocating him, then faith will have lost the place where it is expressed and where it dwells. For that reason, the true celebration of the Sacred Liturgy is the centre of any renewal of the Church whatever.”

Therefore, we are seeking to stir the Church to the proper worship in our churches of His Divine Majesty, each sacralized as the House of God. Our objective is to enhance the appreciation of all the Catholic Faithful—laity and clergy alike—of the Great Mysteries of Holy Mass, which are beyond our mere human understanding: the Holy Sacrifice; Transubstantiation and the Holy Eucharist; and The Real Presence.

Given the peril in which the Church finds herself today, we also have adopted as our motto the guidance of Saint Paul— ecce nunc tempus acceptabile (now is the acceptable time—2 Corinthians 6:2).

Please join us in following St. Paul and joining The Paulus Institute to propagate Sacred Liturgy. We are initially a centralized association, but envision developing internationally in scope and membership, with the same goal, the same inspiration, the same mission.

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